Sunday, November 15, 2015

Jake Lloyd's View On Star Wars: The Force Awakens

By: Justin Marsh

Here we are with an an exclusive look at Jakes view and take on of the new upcoming film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

David :  How was it on the set of star wars episode 1, and did you have a good bond with the crew and actors?

Jake Lloyd : It was a terrific experience! As for bonding, yeah! I still feel very happy to have even had the mere opportunity to meet the cast and crew of every movie I’ve worked on, much less the great fortune of being part of a series I was a more than enthralled with since early childhood. I’m very grateful to have had those experiences and cherish the memories of the sets, cast and crew and aftermath of the films, TV shows and commercials I worked on.

Specifically speaking of bonds: you could easily tell whom I hung out with on set because my sister came back with a posh English accent and I an Irish one. After six or so months of hanging around with some of the worlds coolest gaffers on Episode I, I was struttin’ my new accent for aaaaaallll the elementary school girls. HA!

David : Are you planning or asked to do a movie somewhere in the future?

Jake Lloyd : I’ve been asked to do auditions as well as offered parts over the past several years but I really don’t want to do any more 'on-camera' acting. I prefer the 'behind the scenes' thrill. I started editing when I was 14 and directed some stuff… Stay in school! I went to school for directing and editing but left early to pursue a career as a freelance editor which is what I’m doing now.

I’m working on a documentary about Tibetan refugees, writing a semi-autobiographical/philosophy book and editing a web series called Power Rangers: Zenith. You can find out all you want on facebook by searching for Power Rangers: Zenith and also you can keep tabs on what I’m doing by going searching my name and/or looking for Pumpkin Pact Productions (my production group).
That’s enough shameful self-promoting for now...

David :  Why aren’t you going to do a movie again?

Jake Lloyd : I would do any job in film if destinies aligned… I just don’t fancy doing more than voice acting as an actor any more.

To be entirely honest, I pull jobs as a P.A. every now and again… I find it to be even more satisfying and enjoyable to make things happen even in a smaller capacity.

David : What made you go behind the scenes instead of acting?

Jake Lloyd : I’ve always deeply respected the crew. I usually walk away with more close friends who work crew than actors… I just think there’s a certain mentality and work ethic that I find incredibly relatable. When I’m working on a project, I usually sleep every other day for a couple hours if I can swing it. I aim for a quick turn-around and I really really love what I do so that’s easy.

As for being an editor, I tell my directors that I’m the crew shrink. After a day of shooting, when that footage gets in my bay, I’m the first person to know what went wrong. I have enough set experience (I’ve been on over a hundred different sets from when I was 5-11) to tell you who’s doing what and why from watching the footage. i.e. If the D.P. is having an off day and doesn’t get the shots needed, then I need to be able to adjust and tell the director to A: watch out for it, how to handle it (if need be) and B: what following scenes and shots need to be adjusted so that everything fits thematically, conceptually and so on… Fun times!

David : How is it behind the scenes and for what genre do you prefer to go behind the scenes?

Jake Lloyd : I love what I do and I do what I love! Behind the scenes is a massively wonderful endeavor that most people never get to experience… As an editor, I’m rarely noticed if the final project looks good, but if it doesn’t I’m easy to blame. I love that. Holding a creative work up to the microscope and going frame by frame… I usually spend anywhere from a 3 minutes to half an hour a frame (once you figure in all the time of the project).

When it comes to genre, I don’t care… I’ve been doing mainly corporate work for the past few years, building a reel on the side and sorting stuff out after I left school. I’m really enjoying Power Rangers: Zenith and man o’ man is the documentary a labor of love. The directors on both projects (Zenith is Emmanuel Carter and the documentary is Josh Holton) are terrific and come with very different skill sets. So, it’s a lot of fun sorting through both thought complexes to get at the root of the creative drive for the project and make sure that’s what shows up on screen.

David : Did you ever have a crush on Natalie Portman while filming?

Jake Lloyd : HA! I’m not sure… I can’t imagine why not. She’s gorgeous like few could dream, smarter than 99% of the population and very charismatic. She’s talented as well, to boot! However, while filming we really didn’t go that direction…I’ll tell you why. I WAS EIGHT! LOL! She’s sweet, though!

David : Did you like the Star Wars movies, and if so which one your favourite?

Jake Lloyd : I loooooooved the original three… I started watching them before the re-release when I was five and just loved Vader! I was so lucky to even be given a chance to audition when I was six! I can’t believe that I was that fortunate to then go on and book the job!

David : If you could experience filming the Phantom Menace again, would you?

Jake Lloyd : HA! Yes! In a heartbeat!

David : How was it working with Liam Neeson? Was it nerve racking being in such an important movie?

Jake Lloyd : Liam is the sweetest man I’ve ever met. He’s badass, don’t get me wrong, but that’s the juxtaposition that gives his sweetness the spice that makes him the kind of man everyone wants to be.

It wasn’t horribly nerve racking. Everyone there was duly qualified to do their job and when stuff went wrong it’s like it was supposed to happen; the fix came naturally. One of the best, smoothest sets I’ve been on. Learned a lot.

David : Were you disappointed that you did not get to play in attack of the clones and revenge of the sith?

Jake Lloyd : Nope. Ever done a Lucasfilm press junket? I’m lucky to have made it through the one for Episode I. 60 interviews a day for three days… I loved my experience but I count myself lucky that I don’t have to do that again.

David : What are you thinking about the new Star Wars movies coming out?

Jake Lloyd : I’m really excited about it. My main hope is that they edge in a lot of the metaphysical philosophy that made all of the previous films so great. Great example of why Disney is so good to pick up the franchise: the mental perspectives fleshed out in that saga are not often taught by parents, but every child needs exposure to something of that sort. Star Wars offers meditative concepts and emotional constructs that helped even a lout like me develop into a decent adult. Teaching a kid through example what becomes of channeling their energy and emotions is something that is actually rather hard to come by for a child, much less to teach as an adult. i.e. 'Feel, don’t think' is an intuitive baseline for how to access and successfully cope with higher level emotions and thought complexes… Breeds creativity as well as the necessary skills to deal with that particular double edged sword.

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  1. So sad this cute little boy had just few movies.I like his performance in PM, his blue eyes and mouth were enough to execute the scene, especially when Qui Gon and Watto had a deal.

  2. So sad this cute little boy had just few movies.I like his performance in PM, his blue eyes and mouth were enough to execute the scene, especially when Qui Gon and Watto had a deal.
